i rolled into day one while the crew from 209 cogs snuck up behind me- it was the am comp that day and a bunch of them came down to participate. there were more people in the am comp than the pro comp which really gives me hope for FGFS and the up and coming riders in nothern california. see the rest of the photos after the jump!

what's this doing here? well, jakob happened to be one of the judges of the comp and even though the pro portion was the next day, he couldn't help himself and hit up the course.

ah, the rainbow rail. destroy bikes basically busted their ass making this silly rail which ended up being one of the most entertaining and strange to ride things on the course.

not going to lie, i was biased the second i saw my boy james wearing the bhsk x 1990vlns shirt. by the way, that shirt has super powers and allows you to do nutty things. like this can can.

the judges were sean of destroy bikes, johnny coward (winner of the am comp last year, and SE bikes rider), jakob and his girl megan. of course on the mic was non other than mr. man up himself, kenny arimoto.

WOAH DID THAT PICTURE MOVE? the local homie valentin showing off that flatty style he's got down so well.

even though i didn't organize these photos, the sheer amount of them goes to show how hard these dudes were going. the course was excellent, and the riders regarless of their ability and age threw down. by the end, james deleon was trying to throw trucks upon jakob's request. the results were as followed: mel king took first place and a destroy frame by going hard right out of the gate and not stopping even after we told him to, BHSK x 1990vlns rider james deleon took second with his can cans and , tommy mao took third place with his killer style throwing hammers all around. thanks everyone who came for that first day.
pro stuff will come next.
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