(via cycleexif)
if you are into bicycles (any kind of bicycle), then you should have cycleexif as a bookmark on your browser, your phone, your fax machine- whatever. it's undoubtedly the best way to waste time putting bicycles through your eyeholes into your feeble brain. today they upped an interview with london artist death spray customs. here's a little excerpt:

"CEXIF: The latest work we’ve seen from the DSC studio was the camouflaged track bike seen riding in The Hunt. It’s a striking frame, can you give us an insight into the creative process?
DSC: It was originally going to look completely different, I was experimenting a technique that was, well, very experimental. It needed more time so I changed it to the camouflage design. It’s a remix of the Swedish ‘splinter’ DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material), the yellow is neon as I didn’t want it to be like a hardcore army thing. Mass produced cycles tend to be symmetrical in graphic design and marked to stand out. And when you have a peloton of symmetrical & loud cycles, the one that is designed to disappear in another environment tends to stick out."
read it here!
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