a little less than 2 weeks ago, i heard in the wind that the folks from 209 cogs were coming down to my neck of the woods. being that a couple of them are good buds of mine, i was really psyched. here's what went down...
i was told to meet the guys at iminusd where they were waiting along with their guide jimmy watcha. after a while of trying to figure out where we wanted to be off to, we rode out in the hot sun to stonegate park- which is ironically kind of close to where i live. not going to bore you with words, so here's everything:

let's pause for a second here, THIS IS AN AMAZING PICTURE. smacking myself for having it cut off on the right....

i had a lot of fun with the dudes- they left the same day i took these, and i was really bummed that i didn't get the chance to hand with them more. i know there's not alot of words here, but the photos speak for themselves! this crew is really pushing edits out as of late so this isn't the last you'll see of them here and on the FGFS-sphere. thanks for coming down dudes! follow them here!