since a good handful of the grime crew has migrated to san jose, the team was in full force in at the comp. now this post doesnt have ed since the brother has a ton of photos, but we'll get to him. after the jump you'll get the rundown on mike schmitt, hammy, and ant.

the man himself who started a revolution, mike schmitt. during practice i was standing in that little 90 degree space on the ramp above. i saw mike charging one side in the corner of my eye.. then he did this transfer into a feeble down the ramp with a foot margin of error. first, he could've plowed into me (and believe me, he scared the crap out of me when he did it), but the dude is so in tune with his bike he sniped it. second, only a dude like mike could think of that! it was siiiiick!

this was my first time meeting christian since he moved to the bay area. what surprised me was how he can effortlessly hang up stalls. he seriously doesn't need to crank hard into them, he just floats up there.

*by the way, when i saw the pic of this pyramid being built, i knew someone would hop the fin rail thing. CALLED IT.*

ant is like a brother to me. he's so rad because half of the time he doesnt care what the hell he does! when he pulls stuff off, he's just as surprised and psyched as you are! i remember in other comps he would come up to me and ask what he should do, and most times i would tell him to huck the superman. i mean, we joke about it, but he and i both know he's capable of it! we need more anthony in the blogosphere man...
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