one of the up and coming teams that's making it's way into america is our friends at zontrac. this year, they brought out simon "gomok" andraca from france and san jose homies alex blanco, and devon lawson. even though the strap company is just making their debut in the states, they're making a good statement with the riders they're picking up. check out zontrac's clique after the jump!

one of the first dudes that zontrac picked up in the US was devon lawson of the grime. the last time i saw him in action, he was killing the CCP comp. we've seen him in grime edits in between, and he's definitely got a highly trained skill set when it comes to FGFS.

blanco is one of those guys who you dont see much in edits, but you see him riding all the time. someone needs to give this guy a damn solo edit because he definitely has the chops for it. he was trying to bar-bar while pretty much throwing himself in the air. i dont know what it is, but blanco has hella ups.

simon "gomok" andraca made the trek from france to be in this event. he definitely deserved to be here, and i'm super psyched i got the chance to actually see him ride. he's even more technical than i imagined, and his grinds were so buttery. the one you see above was a pulled out almost from end to end!
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