(via chrome)
i love how on the BHSK facebook i was taking about getting a camera bag, and this thing pops up in my inbox mocking me with perfection. dont get me wrong, having a big bag has it's perks but my camera gets lost in there and its not very well protected. looks like chrome's got my back with this new niko bag. weather proof, super functional and not too far from the classic chrome criteria make for a bag that i really want.

and i may have my chance- chrome is conducting a contest for the new niko as well as a brand new nikon D3000 SLR. those of you who know me, i would tattoo olympus 4/3rds on my arm and have no need for that D3000- but i think i'll submit some stuff. here's the details...
"Stories that make up your city are found in the faces, sights, and sounds that are immersed in it. From the recluse to the regulars, everyone carries a piece of its many parts. We’ve all got that favorite record store, little-known food spot, bicycle shortcut, or local hero that makes a city wholly ours.
To celebrate the release of our tough, urban SLR camera pack this July, we’re asking you to capture a piece of your city in a photo by 7/25 @ 12PM PST for a chance to win a Chrome Niko + a Nikon D3000 SLR camera.
Step 1. Submit your entry photo to chrome@chromebags.com by July 25th, 2011 - 12PM PST.
Step 2. ‘Like’ the Chrome fan page & check out our photo album called “This Is My City.” We’ll post all submissions there.
Step 3. Wake the town & rack up some ‘likes’ on your photo. The photo with the most ‘likes’ by July 25th wins our prize package."
dont do this. i want to win. hahahaha
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