LDG X Hurley Summer 2011 Teaser from LIVERY DESIGN GRUPPE on Vimeo.
okay, so here's what's going on. james marshall, AKA DALEK, is probably one of the most relevant and well rounded (in terms of venue) artist of the 21st century. you probably can recognize the space monkey, which used to be his trademark. he was commissioned by nike to produce imagery for hurley's 4d boardshort (which utilizes nike flywire technology for all you sneakerheads out there). what resulted were three things- a nike air max 90, the 4d boardshort, some skullcandy headphones no one really cares about, and the LDG x Hurley aluminum aero get up. more after the jump!

(via LDG)
first off are the air max 90's nike has lined up. if you're not interested in hearing me talk about shoes, then i suggest scrolling down! i run in air max 90 current hurraches and already know they are fantastic shoes that conbine free tech, flywire, and good ol air max bags. this one doesnt have the free sole, but it probably is way better for straight wearing. it's limited to 500 pairs as well.

(via hurley)
the centerpiece of the capsule collection is these here boardshorts. for $125 you get a board short that has Engineered print with patented EZ fly closure, signature foil branding, metallic embroidery, welded flywire waistband and tabs, no outseam, laser cut pockets, fully welded construction, and performance water repellency. whatever that means. laser cut pockets.... sounds intense and sooooo neccessary. you can find out more here- all sarcasm aside, this is actually a pretty genius design sparking from those chinese fingertrap toys...

(via LDG)
i just want to take the opportunity to say that Joshua Harris is a mad man behind the spraycan (i know technically not a can, but shit rhymed) and his work is hella crazy if you've had the honor of seeing that stuff up close. THIS PAINTJOB PRETTY MUCH OUT DOES BOTH THE SHORTS AND THE SHOES. so much detail all the way down to the spoke nipples and bb cups! the side profile is killer.... looks like some laser show shit going on... Josh is a fucking wizard. go to LDG for more info.
gahdamnit josh is a fucking wizard.
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