there's not much to say here. kozo is an innovator. and yeah you can say, "but he's riding a dirt jumper", or "he's riding 26", or "it's not true to fixed gear standards" SHUT UP. can you do a flare? can you do a back flip? can you do tailwhips and land on pedals? NO. that's why kozo is amazing. really awesome and friendly dude. see the backflip after the jump!

first off, i was in the fountain when kozo started signalling he was gonna flip. then a hoard of photoagraphers ramsacked where i was. you ee the guy with the bruno mars hat in the first picture? if i ever find out who you are, i'm going to kick your ass. he almost pushed me into the fountain. in anycase, kozo failed his first two attempts, and then landed the third! it was mindblowing and the first time its ever been done in a comp thats not in japan!
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