i would have hated to score this comp. it wasnt the top three that was hard to distinct a winner, it was the top 10 that made it difficult. the scores between tyler and squeeks were really really tight... i'm glad tyler got 3rd place spot, and the dude definitely put up a fight. see more after the jump!

i dont know why, but this is one of my favorite photos of the bunch. i know it's not that great of a photo, but i just like the whole vibe of it...

next to steven jensen, i was hyped to actually see tyler in action since he came all this way. i really admire what tyler is doing for fixed freestyle- instead of getting a cookie cutter setup, he opted to get one built by sizemore. this is a pattern i'm seeing with alot of fixed freestyle heads and it's really good for the fixed community in general. i'll be doing a post on that at another time.
gonna be honest here, i think tyler should have scored higher- it's not that i didnt think matt or squeeks deserve 1st and 2nd (respectively), i felt in terms of setup and style he needed to be noted. dude didnt run pegs- dude didnt need to. dude didnt have negative bottom bracket- dude didnt need it. dude. he can hop on a ledge and drop a good five or six feet (that was sick as hell, i wish i had a pic of it).
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