i've been working on this flier for a while now and i finally got out of making the artwork look like a rick griffin/mike giant thing...it ended up as a ed roth/mike giant thing. but none of that interests you because i'm ranting about art crap. you want to know about the comp.
so ted and i are back with another event! out last one was wet and fun and had jakob santos- this time out it's going to sunny!
events include:
_backwards circles
_boomerang sprints
_long skid
_freestyle (FLATLAND!)
_(if time permits, and we get it together) a town wide alleycat race
prizes and support by:
_affinity cycles
_paul components
_the bicycle wheel
_tedicidal shredencies
_chico bicycle courier
_synthesis mag
_chrome sf
_blaq bags
_disarray apparel
and more coming soon!
let me get a headcount by saying "i'm attending" at facebook. =]
keep posted here for more updates!
if youre's still lost, here's a map!
being an artist (with a degree to prove it) i can assure you, this isn't a good enough "piece of art" to impress anyone. it would be nice if you moved on from this and continued to post as usual.
well i'm not an artist, nor do i asipire to be one. i am not trying to impress anyone with my drawings- it's just something i've been doing for every chico comp when it comes around. that being there are artists that inspire me like mike and ed and rick who not only graphically inspire me, but inspire me in life. ed roth brough us rat fink, rick griffin brought us psychedelic designs, mike giant is... mike giant. i'm sorry if i offended you by calling it art- it's just a drawing
if you're referring to this post always being at the top- it'll always be at the top until may first.. just scroll down right under it =]
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