(via all-city)
i wonder what tube set was used for this frame build? if you have no clue, and aren't nerd enough, it's columbus zona. sure, i can go on and talk about double butted characteristics and compare it to a tange or reynolds equivalent and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah- but for the sake of you not getting lost in translation, i wont. lets just say this, you can be the shit out of it without worrying about it. and it's light considering it's a steel frame. they cut weight by shaving off the braze ons for the internal cable routing, leaving sleek holes in the top tube (thats what she said), and overall the bike shed half a pound in weight (that's pretty damn impressive).

(via all-city)
unfortunately, they're only making 90 of these. its unfortunate, but it's necessary. i mean the paint job is of something stevil kinevil would worship- and if you dont get that, then you dont get it. out of the 90 made, 70 will make it state side. for more details, check out all-city.
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