(via pushbike)
i recall one of my first posts on bhsk (when it was still a personal blog) was about a freeman transport and how i just bought a continental tire (which skid through in 20 days). three years later, here i am looking at another freeman transport. however, this particular FT belongs to none other than pushbike's sarah murder. to say this is a solid build is an understatement. this is one of the cleanest, non-overdone builds ever. sram omniums, quintessential chris king headset, brooks bar tape, ladies turbo saddle, nitto ADB-X bars (the fancy cool looking bars with the kinks up top)- i can go on and on and on. this is a clean bike. see more at pushbike, and support your local locals!
I want one.
kinda unfortunate, but freeman transport is no more. they made alot of really really great bikes, but sadly they are no longer making them... =[
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