so i've been lagging to post this, and this is my event too... i'm really lazy right now, so i'm gonna just copypaste this stuff from the facebook page.
"Welcome back to chico (for most of you)!
alot of people got their
fixed gear's up and running so it's about that time to throw an event!
we were planning for it to be on the 12th, but things fell through (dont
want to compete with taste of chico either)- so it's going to be on the
19th; but some of us will be there on the 12th to sesh for a little
bit, so come through!
events include:
_backwards circles
_long skid
_(if time permits, and we get it together) a town wide alleycat race.
your mom, tell your dog, tell your friend! this event is open to all
kinds of riders as well- you dont have to compete, we love spectators.
_chico bicycle courier
_Shredicidal Tedencies
_the bicycle wheel
_Affinity NYC
_Paul comp
_team Baya
**i will have fliers up at chico bike and board on broadway this tuesday! if not, you'll probaby find one in your spokes if youre at chico state!**"
this is the third or fourth time i've teamed up with ted shred for a competition and race and there will be more to come.
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