
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

HEY YOU. LET'S PARTY: DJ Mull as Andrew WK.

(via mattlingo)
if you havent noticed, i'm a really big fan of andrew wk. i dont care what you say about him, he's still the shit. the dude has a show on cartoon network where all he does is blow shit up with kids. he's a classically trained pianist and re-did the gundam soundtrack using freeform piano techniques. he's a motivational speaker. he even went on stage in a wheelchair and rocked the shit out of it. i dont care if he doesnt sound like the old andrew wk today- the man brought carnage and partying to music. you have to think about it, before the jonas brothers, andrew wk wore the white pants. and yes, i have a white shirt with blood red paint splattered on the front of it. listen to andew wk the next time youre riding- you'll end up riding faster, harder, and feeling better. i guarantee youll land that trick youve been working on if you listen to "ready to die" while youre riding.

i fucking love this. DJ, Matt- this is probably my favorite photoshoot you have ever done. and i really cant get around how similar DJ looks like andrew...



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