
Monday, June 21, 2010

things that make you go "Hmmm": Monocler Gamme Bleu 2010 collection

(via hypebeast)
every one in a while i want to seriously let go of hypbeast on my RSS reader, and then either something wonderful comes up or something dreadful does. this is something that makes me go "hmmmm". this was a fashion show that was at a velodrome. in addition to that, the pieces were heavily "sport-inspired". uhhh... sure.

that's really obvious when this dude is wearing printed spandex and has pant bands with shorts. oh, but these arent the only culprits, IN EVERY PHOTO THESE DUDES ARE WEARING REFLECTIVE PANT BANDS WITHOUT PANTS. yeeeeeeeaaaah-NO. you can see these atrocities here.

btw, nothing is more functional than an old hardcore/slayer band tee and some cutoffs (and maybe a windbreaker if it's cold).


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