(via tokyo fixed)
"We were asked to take part in the Nike Tied Together marathon to help battle AIDS with the (RED) charity. We had a lot of fun battling through the rain at 02:00am for an hour! All companies taking part designed a team T. We chose as ever to rip off our favorite Manga ever, Akira....
Obviously we
jumped on the opportunity to make the bike from our Tied Together T.
This is boy hood dream comic book stuff. It came out amazing.
A big thanks to Death Spray Custom, Ricky Feather and our comic book man
Baby Crow for helping us make this happen in two weeks!
WOW this thing is amazing. my nerdy ass would so something TOTALLY like this, but this wasnt my generation. i would probably do something really dumb and make an initial d inspired boulevard bomber (oh man, if you knew me... youre probably thinking that i would do something like that and that i'm actually thinking of doing so.... and i am thinking of doing so.). and yes, i've had my fair share of manga/anime and i do know what this is all about. it's safe to say that they know their stuff as well and did this bike up to a t. i mean, compare it:

hot damn, i'm gonna get a poster sized print out of that logo. that's sooooo sick. now i'm gonna plan my initial d bike...
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