(via wired)
brooks has a long history where their saddles have been made in Smethwith England which is cool because alot of BHSK's readers are from the UK. today, in the cycling world there has been a movement to cheap labor in taiwan as well as china- even one of my favorite bike companies, cannondale which used to pride themselves for being made in the US, moved to taiwan (you dont know how bummed i was when i heard that. i was raised to know that cannondale made the best bikes in the world.) brooks has still been where they're at for...well for a really long ass time.

now here's my problem. though wired is a respectable and well read magazine, they posted this editorial. that editorial made it on bike snob which ended up with me writing this. they hated on brooks. so i find it quite ironic that they would post something ABOUT THE BROOKS FACTORY. come on, chose a stance and sick to it wired!
oh well, go check out the tour here.

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