(via imd)
due to the fact that chico state is a little bit too environmentally friendly and i'm force fed the idea of recycling, i find this highly interesting. this is a usual occurence in bike shops- a pile of cardboard and nothing to do with it. jeff "buld stuff" P., the "assistant fixed gear mechanic of america" re used those boxes so that imd could ship their stuff without buying another box.

that's actually kind of cool. hey, it saves money as well as TREES! (sorry inside joke) oh, but where did they get those boxes...

(via imd)
BLADOW! the general release pk riiiiiiiippppeeeeeerrrr! holy shit, i've never seen something more beautiful.

at $400 a pop for frame fork and headset, this thing is really a steel (ironic pun intended, and yes, i knopw it's spelled steal....). i just wish they built a steel one due to all the horror stories of the dreaded "gusset snap". this just reminds me how much i really want the 700c landing gear...

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