
(via bike jerks)
this is the affix fixed/free hub. similar to the torpedo hub, instead of using a screw to make the hub fixed, this utilizes a simpler (but weirder looking) mechanism. simply push and turn and ta-da it's fixed. now, i seriously think that there's not much use in this because you either want to run entirely fixed or entirely free. i spoke to ted shred about the functionality of the torpedo hub and he told me he liked the idea of switching on the fly. anyway, it looks....meh... i'm not sure i like that big flange wheel thing where you adjust the fixed/free function. you could see it here.
oh and did i mention it's from khe (well technically the sister company)? the shop i frequent is a KHE dealer so i'll have the bossman look into it.
what do you guys think about it?

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