
Thursday, November 5, 2009

supermarket sweep

(via laekhouse)

laekhouse is pretty serious about supporting this thing- theyre telling my home town heroes phil to eat it. you gonna take that phil? at least mark and the dudes at imd are above laekhouse.. SUCK IT LAKEHOUSE (actually no, i support you both equally, but mark is a homeslice so.... im obligated to say that? hahaha annnnnd ethan just unsubscribed to my twitter.. HAHAHA). this is something to support:
"The Supermarket Street Sweep is an annual bike race that
benefits the San Francisco Food Bank! For the past three years,
hundreds of participants have zipped around the city to local
supermarkets and brought back thousands of pounds of food to donate to
this valuable charity.
This year’s race will take place on December 5, 2009 – Come out to
participate in this alleycat to benefit the San Francisco Food Bank!
There will be a speed race and a cargo race. All riders and all kinds
of bicycles are welcome. Racers should arrive at the Bow & Arrow
between 11:30am-12:00pm to register. (See sidebar for map and details.)
This is a really fun event for a great cause. Last year’s food
collection was enough to provide over 4,000 meals to those in need.

SMSW stats:

2006: 80 racers brought in 1,172 lbs of food!

2007: 110 racers brought in 1,595 lbs of food!

2008: 150 racers brought in 5,266 lbs of food!

2009: Let’s see how much we can raise this year!

But wait! There’s more!

Details on the after-party.

Information on the cargo race.

Information on the speed race."

go. that's all i have to say.
