
Sunday, November 15, 2009

session sunday

THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.THE SESSION VOL.1 by reforestreforest.
(via reforestforest)
my shoulder is killing me from lockedcog's effin fridays (which was hella fun) since i was busting out bunnyhops. bullhorns never enabled me to do any of these things, so now that i have risers ive been hitting it hard. my foot feels like it going to pop off my ankle. but after seeing this i want to go jump off stuff. ive never been so hyped to ride...


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