(via starfuckers)
first up: stubby stems! i have a 36mm powertools stubby and i f*cking love it. the only drawback is it doesnt look that burly, but i digress. these suckers are going to go for 5900yen (roughly $65), and are availible in bmx sizing (22.2) or regular (26). whatever that means.

now i know that alot of you are starting to run holdfasts or other FRS' similar to a one strap no clip system. but for the hardcore who like the feel of clips (and plastic clips at that) you'll find that these will do the trick. now you're probably yelling at the computer saying "THEY ALREADY MADE PLASTIC TOECLIPS" which is true, but i'll let them to the talking- from the starfuckers blog:
"New fiber material double toe clip.
It's designed to take double starap, and its shape will fit for all sneakers even fat skate sneakers.
Cheap and strong toe clip is perfect for street riders.
This toe clip passed storength test that forklift steped on it several times.
Enjoy your own color cordinate with our color double straps.
65mm platform.
Unit of sale: Pair
This product will arrive at our store in the middle of December. "
you heard the guy. storength tested, and takes double staraps.
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