chad muska, what happened to you dude? you were the coolest dude to play in tony hawk. now youre just....a hipster? im not sure what to think of him- i havent seen him skate for days and the last remnants of him skating was the release of the skytop I. i dont understand the functionality of the sneaker either- ive seen terry kennedy skate his (extremely) high tops and even though they look silly looks like it serves function... muska on the otherhand, i havent seen him skate in a while. when i last skated, i ran nike shimizu dunk hi's. remember, those were my hype days- but i found function in them as well as the joy of breaking hypebeast necks and seeing the pain in their eyes but i digress. chad muska, what have you done? you used to be cool, and on the edge. in tonyhawk underground, you had an escalade and wore gangster-ish clothes. now you're a hipster. im sorry, chad. youre a sellout. (but tk is just awesome, i cant hate him.)