theyre awesome (and were re released recently). to promote this, they took a handful of heavy hitters in the fixed gear realm threw 'em to london and told them to ride to paris during the tour de lance (i mean france...):
directed by grace ladoja, this docu will chronicle what went on during the trip (superted-isms and all). it's set to release in NY later this month.
grace also posted this little insight about the dudes of the project:
"Massan Fluker. I’ve known for a few years, we became instant friends. My Brother. My friend. For life. He has the most control I’ve ever seen someone have on a bike. He’s strong. He’s got your back. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t really have done this. If i was a boy I’d have his voice (and style on a bike!).
Kyle Demers. I’ve know for equally as long. We didn’t become immediate friends! I mistook his shyness for rudeness, we got over that though and are BFF’s now. He’s the backbone. That dude you can rely on. Cool and composed. Honest and loyal. I speak to kyle everyday. I can be myself, goofy! Fast and consistent on a bike. If I was a boy I’d have Kyle’s eyes.
Andy Ellis! I love Andy. Mr. Fixed Gear London! One of the only people trying to kick shit off in London finally! FUCKING stronger than I ever knew on a bike, was always in the front 2. If i was a boy I’d have his drive.
SUPERTED. Best person I know that rides bikes, hands down. Alcoholic. Eats Shit. Never stops. Falls asleep everywhere. Funniest person you’ll meet. You just don’t know what you are going to get with Ted, he’s like a constant surprise. If i was a boy I’d take it all!
Ryan Giese. Geezer. He should be British! He has our humour! Like Massan you’ll just enjoy watching Ryan ride, it’s all so natural and effortless. Ryan was at the front of the pack the whole, it was no big deal for him. If I was a boy I’d have his style.
Hal Takaharu. Soo polite and traditional. But a beast on the flip side, beers at every stop and parties hard!! Riding for him is easy and he was the fastest of the group. Had the most stamina. He played reggae the whole time and wore his SAG bag for the fun of it. If i was a boy I’d have his Stamina.
Steve Nishimoto. A man of few words, but when he talks everyone listens. He just glides on a bike. Smooth and focused. If i was a boy I’d have his grace.
Jupiter Desphy. Jups loves America! He loves his bike and he loves riding. Doesn’t drink and is always smiling! One of the only guys to ride a road bike on the trip. It didn’t faze him. If i was a boy I’d have his focus.
Hime Herbert you will either love or hate, he is a bit like Larry David. I love him! He was like the coach on the trip. He’s that dude that will lighten every situation and boost boost morale. He sacrificed riding the trip so he could help us rive the van, what a gent. If i was a boy i’d have his dirty mouth!
Henrik Kuerschner. The Hero. One of the kindest guys you will meet. He overcame the most on the trip. There points i thought he wouldn’t make it to the end. He was throwing up. Getting left in the back, but he knew what he came to do and he did it. I have the most respect for yyou Henrik. If i was a boy I’d have his heart.
looks really interesting. i really want to see the finished product.
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