(via mashsf)
ah, money, sprints, alleycats, and skitching a pizza guy. congrats to alvchen of sjf for winning the alley too. SJF IS EVERYWHERE! actually, garrett is everywhere. have you seen his mashinelli? well if you didnt....

(via PC)
d*mn, i remember when the urban pursuit look was the thing to build. now it's all riser bar this, big cog that, oury grip this...blah blah blah- this bike is sooooo right. bullhorns, check. pursuit geo, check. cinelli, check. sf giants colorway, F*CK YEAH. hear that? im literally applauding.
now to the adventures of superted and prolly in japan:
pure win. unfortunately, my man prolly came up injured from all the action:

not only once...

but twice! but there's good news:
"I spent all day Saturday in bed. When everyone got back from the Keirin races, they decided to take me to the hospital. My foot had gotten much worse and I was certain it was broken.
For the most part, my foot is ok. It was dislocated and when I re-set the bones, it may have caused a small fracture. Nothing I can really do. They wrapped me up with a splint after the xray and I was on my way to go drink."
way to be a trooper! get well soon brother! oh yeah and there's this picture:
(via prolly)
ah, superted and his nothing short of awesomely rad 'stache.
oh, and i got my iMiNUSD rim today. now i have no pictures of the rim, but it's black li'dis:
my first impression of it: this thing is lighter than a b43. like...significantly lighter...? so i was confused. this thing is being thrown of stairs and it's lighter than a b43? well, a b43 is 43 mm. ok, well it's heavier than the 42mm hplusson, but it doesnt essplode with meaty goodness:
anyway, the iminusd that's in the trunk of the buggernaut (yes, i named my car the buggernaut) is going to be the first unofficial polished iMD (i think). oh and i also scooped this shirt:
thanks to mark c for being super sick! they put hella more stuff since the last time i was there- iMD putting in work! if you happen to be in san jose, drop by and have a look, iMD is churning out bars, frames, and more so get on it! and if they ask, tell them the buggernaut told you to have a peek (yes, that's my SJF screenname). they know who i am.
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