along with the super pista, the bianchi pista family grows by 2. let's do an overview, there is a regular pista, the pista blue, the new super pista, and now the pista via condotti and the pista via brera.

this is the pista via condotti^^

this is the pista via brera^^
from my undertanding brera is a museum in milan, and via condotti is a street in rome.... essentially, both are the same as the regular pista, but both come with brakes (front on via condotti, and both on the via brera), different handlebars, different seats, and a toeclip leather strap setup. im not a big fan of bianchis, theyre overrated. YEAH I SAID IT. O-VER-RAYYYYY-TED.

this is the pista via condotti^^

this is the pista via brera^^
from my undertanding brera is a museum in milan, and via condotti is a street in rome.... essentially, both are the same as the regular pista, but both come with brakes (front on via condotti, and both on the via brera), different handlebars, different seats, and a toeclip leather strap setup. im not a big fan of bianchis, theyre overrated. YEAH I SAID IT. O-VER-RAYYYYY-TED.
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