yesterday(technically) evening i was lucky enough to catch the bassett sprints thrown by SJF. going in it, i didnt know what to expect. first off, me and my neighbor terence decided to bike there (mistake). second off, we didnt have directions (mistake). third, we dont have baller bikes like everyone (thats our own fault). overall i say it went well- met up with a few guys i havent seen in a long ass time (like my best bud from...erm... 6th grade?), realized i can put down speeds that dudes who run drome, and had fun watching chris fonseca.
oh, yeah- chris fonseca was there. he said a slew of things but the ones i remember were :
"there's a bonus feature on the no cassettes dvd where i bomb hills naked"
"so thats what it's called? apparently we ride 'tarck' bikes now?"
"im straight back to the future on this skateboard"
"just so you dont get it twisted, this guy is not my brother or something"
chris is a funny dude. i understimated his size. that dude is tall in real life man!
here are the pics i salvaged from my set:

the starting line wasnt defined, but that;s okay. look at sokha's van tuyl...

someone brought rollers. i dk why but they were there.

fonseca and JP having a rap battle. (not really, looks like it though)

IMINUSDEEEZNUTTTTS. hella loose chain.

my neighbor terence.

chris hallucinating someone doing a keo.

rob & big.

pulled from sjfixed's twitter:"Thanks to all
those that came out to SJF's Thursday Night Sprints. 53 total racers!
100+ including spectators! 10 winners! GOOD TIMES!!!!", "Huge thanks to @iMiNUSD @HallowaySJ @FonsecaFilms and SJF for the prizes. Congrats to our top finishers."
in addition to the greatness, the sprints are going to be turned into a series, so look out for that.
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