so on my endeavor to discover new LBS (since im not located in chico anymore and there are more choices but in a wider spread area) i stumbled into bicycle express this week. it's a quint little place that houses used and new bikes and has a small assortment of components for both the regular and fixed gear fanatic. but enough with the shameless store plugging: as i sat here coughing up a storm with my temperture rising right as a fall asleep forcing me to startle my frail body awake- i recall a particular frame i saw hanging from the walls:

the origin 8 del pasado. (be prepared for an oncoming train of hate) THIS IS BUUUUUUULLLLLSHIIIT. look at that thing. the geometry is wicked, but it has bottle braze ons- in fact TWO BOTTLE BRAZE ONS. hell my bike has braze ones but not an excess of bottle braze ons- and thats with thetop legs extending to the dropouts? they dont look very promising- one bag curb or one fat dude and WHAM hose things go straigh through your thigh. and really? REALLY? an integrated seatpost clamp? if that thing gets f*cked up, the whole frame is scrapped! true frame geometry my ass- THIS THING HAS BRAKE MOUNTS, AND FENDER MOUNTS. if it was truly a track machine (which i can easily say that my personal bicycle is not) then those wouldnt be there. the decals dont come off! how sad! but even if those manage to be covered up, the geometry is too recognizable.
but it's cheap. dirt cheap for a frame.
it's clear to me that this is the honda civic of the track bike world. this thing makes my bike (when it was stock) look good. its got sweet geometry, but thats all it's got going for it. sorry.

the origin 8 del pasado. (be prepared for an oncoming train of hate) THIS IS BUUUUUUULLLLLSHIIIT. look at that thing. the geometry is wicked, but it has bottle braze ons- in fact TWO BOTTLE BRAZE ONS. hell my bike has braze ones but not an excess of bottle braze ons- and thats with thetop legs extending to the dropouts? they dont look very promising- one bag curb or one fat dude and WHAM hose things go straigh through your thigh. and really? REALLY? an integrated seatpost clamp? if that thing gets f*cked up, the whole frame is scrapped! true frame geometry my ass- THIS THING HAS BRAKE MOUNTS, AND FENDER MOUNTS. if it was truly a track machine (which i can easily say that my personal bicycle is not) then those wouldnt be there. the decals dont come off! how sad! but even if those manage to be covered up, the geometry is too recognizable.
but it's cheap. dirt cheap for a frame.
it's clear to me that this is the honda civic of the track bike world. this thing makes my bike (when it was stock) look good. its got sweet geometry, but thats all it's got going for it. sorry.

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