i am an old school fan of oakland. by that i mean the superbowl winning raider nation as well at the OLD oakland A's. though i wasnt born yet- i believe the best baseball display for the bay area was in the 89' series where the giants faced the oakland A's: a clean sweep 4-0. now the stars of that team have seen better days- canseco's a b*tch and mcgwire became a legend then a failure.

recently, fremont has stopped their efforts of getting a ballpark for the a's. when i hear this a while back- it was a relief. the next day however, sn jose jumped on it. WTF. first the niners stint of santa clara, now the a's in my home town? WHAAAAAAT? im confused. the proposal is to be south of diridon station in downtown. SOUTH OF DIRIDON IS THE HOOD. thats getting towards king and story.
lets say this happens. alot of renovations has been going on in that area. im pretty sure chuck reed believes that the cost of the area now is very low and it will bring wealth to the area. well, there is alot of low cost housing in that area- i think that sh*t is going to become sooooo developed. frankly, san jose doesnt need that. look at upper evergreen (yes, UPPER. a few years ago there wouldnt BE an upper evergreen), all thee farming areas and orchards- GONE. now all the developed sh*t isnt doing well at all. now evergreen is a sea of houses with nothing in between.
think about this: winter is sharks season. summer is a's season. traffic is sooooo sh*tty during sharks games. IMAGINE EVERONE ON 280 OR 85 GETTING TO AN A'S GAME. chuck reed? you listening? and then there's the potential santa clara niners across silicon valley. so that would mean traffic YEAR ROUND. 101 is already bad as it is! now on any given sunday im going to be stuck on a sh*tty freeway.
no. as much as i love the A's i believe that the a's should stay in oakland. the a's are a great establishment- and i'm confident that theyre gonna get close to the playoffs again. (hey it could happen, the 2006 season showed them in the playoffs...that wasnt that long ago.)
go a's and congrats on the win over kansas city.

lets say this happens. alot of renovations has been going on in that area. im pretty sure chuck reed believes that the cost of the area now is very low and it will bring wealth to the area. well, there is alot of low cost housing in that area- i think that sh*t is going to become sooooo developed. frankly, san jose doesnt need that. look at upper evergreen (yes, UPPER. a few years ago there wouldnt BE an upper evergreen), all thee farming areas and orchards- GONE. now all the developed sh*t isnt doing well at all. now evergreen is a sea of houses with nothing in between.
think about this: winter is sharks season. summer is a's season. traffic is sooooo sh*tty during sharks games. IMAGINE EVERONE ON 280 OR 85 GETTING TO AN A'S GAME. chuck reed? you listening? and then there's the potential santa clara niners across silicon valley. so that would mean traffic YEAR ROUND. 101 is already bad as it is! now on any given sunday im going to be stuck on a sh*tty freeway.
no. as much as i love the A's i believe that the a's should stay in oakland. the a's are a great establishment- and i'm confident that theyre gonna get close to the playoffs again. (hey it could happen, the 2006 season showed them in the playoffs...that wasnt that long ago.)
go a's and congrats on the win over kansas city.

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